Ett nygammalt och ett nytt, digitalt verk – Empress-serien

Jag har tillskansat mig mer och bättre material att arbeta med för mina digitala kollage och har därför omarbetat ett gammalt verk i Empress-serien:

Sisi nocturnal Garden version II logoNocturnal Garden, draft II

Sisi Titania 50 sign logoTitania (The Tale of the Empress series), 2016

The Empress loved culture – the theatre, the art, the poets and the writers…and her favourite play was A Midsummer Night´s Dream by the enigmatic Englishman. Again, she was not understood at court. Anything else than the topics of power and politics for the gentlemen and relations and gossip for the ladies was unheard of. So she fled again…into her own world of dreams where she could be free. She was the fairy queen Titania, surrounded by peculiar games of love induced by the enchanted dream in the forest.

Countess Larisch:

”Elisabeth was in love with love, because to her it was the spark of life. She regarded the sensation of being worshiped as a tribute offered to her beauty. But her enthusiasms never lasted long, apparently because her artistic feelings would not allow her senses to be captured…
She should have been enthroned among the gods, she should have been courted on the hills of Parnassus or singled out, like Leda and Semele, by a triumphant Zeus. The coarsness of life repelled the Empress to the same degree that its beauty attracted her.”

The Empress:

”As Ariadne once, forsaken today / lingers Titania on the high cliff alone / The sun seeks now to pale its final ray / High up in the aether the first star´s light has shone (…) / Titania stares immobile into the distance / With moistened eye, who gains there now admittance?”

The Empress:

”On luscious summer nights / by the full moon´s sultry glow / I often thought: ”This one´s right!” / And rejoiced that it was so.

Yet always at break of day / Pressed to my heart so warm / I saw with fright and dismay / The ass´s head upon my arm.”

©Susanna Varis

Follow The Tale of the Empress here:

Om Susanna Holmén Waris

Susanna Holmén Waris, född 1968 i Salo, Finland, civilingenjör från KTH och frilanskonstnär som arbetar inom järnvägen. Bloggen handlar om allt från konst, politik och vetenskap till mode, humor och personliga erfarenheter. Välkommen!
Det här inlägget postades i böcker, Egna verk, goth, Konst, lowbrow, pop surrealism och har märkts med etiketterna , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

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